Wall, Pennsylvania — Schools

Schools Near Wall, Pennsylvania

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Mellon School0.8 mi.
2.Pitcairn Building Plus Three Elementary School0.9 mi.
3.The Presbyterian Church of Pitcairn Preschool0.9 mi.
4.Westinghouse Elementary School1.2 mi.
5.Jordan School1.5 mi.
6.Park Terrace School1.7 mi.
7.Saint Robert Bellarmine School1.7 mi.
8.Keats School1.8 mi.
9.Bellwood Preschool and Kindergarten1.8 mi.
10.Electric Plant Elementary School1.9 mi.
11.Penn Trafford Middle School1.9 mi.
12.East Allegheny Junior High School1.9 mi.
13.Patton School2 mi.
14.Electric Heights School2.1 mi.
15.Turtle Creek High School2.1 mi.
16.Dixon Avenue School2.2 mi.
17.Early Learning Institute2.4 mi.
18.Hartford Heights Elementary School2.4 mi.
19.Green Valley Elementary School2.4 mi.
20.Faith Christian School2.6 mi.
21.Gilmore School2.6 mi.
22.North American Martyrs School2.9 mi.
23.Gateway Upper Elementary School2.9 mi.
24.Howard Street School3 mi.
25.Gateway High School3 mi.
26.Snowdrop Elementary School3 mi.
27.Northern Pike Elementary School3.1 mi.
School Locations