Trenton, Wisconsin — Doctors and Hospitals

Doctors and Dentists in Pierce County

Population per Care Provider
Ratio of people per care provider. Source: County Health Rankings (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)
Compared to State and National
Providers Wisconsin United States
Doctors 2,031.0 +249 2,555.0 -275
Dentists 2,589.0 -13 3,547.0 -971

Hospitals Near Trenton, Wisconsin

Nearest Hospitals by Distance
# Hospital Distance
1.Fairview Red Wing Clinic3 mi.
2.Red Wing Health Center3.1 mi.
3.Fairview Red Wing Medical Center3.1 mi.
4.Hi-Park Care Center5.2 mi.
5.Mineral Springs Sanatorium14.7 mi.
6.Riverhills Hospital15.5 mi.
7.State Hospital15.8 mi.
8.Ruth Homes16.4 mi.
9.Lake City Clinic - Mayo Health17 mi.
10.Lake City Nursing Home17 mi.
Hospital Locations