Scottsbluff, Nebraska — Schools

Schools Near Scottsbluff, Nebraska

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Lincoln Heights Elementary School0.2 mi.
2.Community Christian School0.4 mi.
3.Bluffs Middle School0.4 mi.
4.Saint Agnes School0.5 mi.
5.Platte Valley Bible College0.5 mi.
6.Westmoor School0.6 mi.
7.Longfellow School0.6 mi.
8.Scottsbluff Senior High School0.7 mi.
9.Roosevelt School0.9 mi.
10.Western Nebraska Community College - Scottsbluff Campus1.4 mi.
11.University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing - West Nebraska Division1.7 mi.
12.Northfield Elementary School2 mi.
13.Gering High School2.5 mi.
14.Valley View School2.6 mi.
15.Lincoln School2.8 mi.
16.Gering Junior High School2.8 mi.
17.Geil Elementary School3.6 mi.
18.Haig School5.5 mi.
19.Gering Valley School5.9 mi.
20.Lake Alice School7.3 mi.
21.Carter Canyon School8.6 mi.
22.Lake Minatare School8.8 mi.
23.Mitchell Elementary School8.8 mi.
24.Minatare Elementary School9.3 mi.
25.Minatare High School9.3 mi.
School Locations