Sayre, Oklahoma — Schools

Schools Near Sayre, Oklahoma

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Southwest Oklahoma State University1.4 mi.
2.Sayre High School1.6 mi.
3.Sayre Elementary School1.6 mi.
4.Sayre Middle School1.6 mi.
5.Doxey School5.1 mi.
6.Merritt High School11.3 mi.
7.Erick High School13.8 mi.
8.Erick Elementary School14.2 mi.
9.Pioneer School14.5 mi.
10.Grandview 5th and 6th Grade Center14.5 mi.
11.Elk City High School14.6 mi.
12.Fairview Elementary School14.7 mi.
13.Lincoln School14.9 mi.
14.8th and 9th Grade Center15.4 mi.
15.Saint Joseph School15.7 mi.
16.Northeast School16.2 mi.
17.Sweetwater High School17.3 mi.
18.Sweetwater Elementary School17.3 mi.
19.Canute Elementary School21.9 mi.
20.Cheyenne Elementary School22 mi.
21.Cheyenne High School22 mi.
22.Canute High School22 mi.
23.Saint Francis School23.3 mi.
24.Western Technology Center26 mi.
25.Burns Flat - Dill City High School26.7 mi.
26.Granite High School26.8 mi.
27.Granite Elementary School26.8 mi.
28.Ross School26.8 mi.
School Locations