Rockford, Illinois — Schools

Schools Near Rockford, Illinois

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Franklin School0.3 mi.
2.OIC Vocational Institute0.4 mi.
3.Regional Learning Academy0.4 mi.
4.Saint James School0.4 mi.
5.Rockford Business College0.5 mi.
6.Luther Bible College0.5 mi.
7.Saint Paul Lutheran School0.6 mi.
8.Educators of Beauty0.6 mi.
9.Freeman School0.7 mi.
10.Haskell Elementary School0.7 mi.
11.Muldoon School0.8 mi.
12.Roosevelt Middle School0.8 mi.
13.Kishwaukee Elementary School0.9 mi.
14.Martin Luther King School0.9 mi.
15.Garrison School1 mi.
16.Ellis Elementary and Art Alternative School1 mi.
17.Jackson Elementary School1.1 mi.
18.Saint Peters School1.1 mi.
19.Washington Vocational Center1.1 mi.
20.Wight School1.1 mi.
21.Washington Elementary School1.2 mi.
22.School of Hope1.2 mi.
23.Saints Peter and Paul School1.2 mi.
24.Church School1.2 mi.
25.Abraham Lincoln Middle School1.3 mi.
26.Barbour School1.3 mi.
27.San Juan Headstart1.3 mi.
28.Saint Stanislaus School1.3 mi.
School Locations