Pullman, Washington — Schools

Schools Near Pullman, Washington

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Pullman High School0.2 mi.
2.Royal Garrison School0.2 mi.
3.Franklin Elementary School0.4 mi.
4.Sunnyside Elementary School0.5 mi.
5.Jefferson Elementary School0.7 mi.
6.Pullman Christian School0.7 mi.
7.Edison School0.8 mi.
8.Lincoln Middle School0.9 mi.
9.Washington State University1 mi.
10.University of Idaho8 mi.
11.West Park Elementary School8 mi.
12.Beauridell School8.2 mi.
13.J Russell Elementary School8.6 mi.
14.Moscow Senior High School8.7 mi.
15.Saint Roses School8.9 mi.
16.Saint Marys School8.9 mi.
17.Lena Whitmore Elementary School9.2 mi.
18.Moscow Junior High School9.4 mi.
19.A B McDonald Elementary School9.8 mi.
20.Palouse Hills Seventh-Day Adventist School10.4 mi.
21.Guardian Angel/Saint Boniface School11.4 mi.
22.Colton Elementary and High School11.6 mi.
23.Garfield-Palouse High School13.5 mi.
24.Palouse Elementary School13.5 mi.
25.Colfax High School14 mi.
26.L M Jennings Elementary School14.2 mi.
27.Genesee Junior-Senior High School17.2 mi.
28.Genesee Elementary School17.2 mi.
29.Potlatch Elementary School18.8 mi.
School Locations