Providence, Rhode Island — Schools

Schools Near Providence, Rhode Island

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Johnson and Wales University0.2 mi.
2.Rhode Island School of Design0.3 mi.
3.Wheeler School0.4 mi.
4.Central High School0.4 mi.
5.University of Rhode Island0.4 mi.
6.Textron Chamber of Commerce Academy0.5 mi.
7.Saint Patricks High School0.6 mi.
8.James L Hanley Career and Technical Center0.6 mi.
9.Classical High School0.7 mi.
10.Paul Cuffee Charter School0.7 mi.
11.Samuel W Bridgham Middle School0.7 mi.
12.Pembroke College0.7 mi.
13.Classical High School0.7 mi.
14.Saint Patricks School0.7 mi.
15.Beacon Avenue School0.7 mi.
16.Kenyon Street School0.7 mi.
17.Carl G Lauro Memorial School0.7 mi.
18.Tavares Pediatric Center School0.8 mi.
19.Brown-Fox Point Early Childhood Education Center0.8 mi.
20.Brown University0.8 mi.
21.PTC Elementary School0.8 mi.
22.Robert L Bailey II Elementary School0.8 mi.
23.Bryant College0.9 mi.
24.The Wheeler School0.9 mi.
25.Smith Street Primary School0.9 mi.
26.Community Preparatory School0.9 mi.
School Locations