Peoria, Illinois — Schools

Schools Near Peoria, Illinois

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Illinois Central College0.2 mi.
2.Academy of Our Lady School0.2 mi.
3.Spalding Institute0.2 mi.
4.Sacred Hearth School0.2 mi.
5.Father Sweeney School0.3 mi.
6.Peoria Alternative High School0.3 mi.
7.University of Illinois College of Medicine0.4 mi.
8.Irving Primary School0.5 mi.
9.Lincoln School0.6 mi.
10.Greeley School0.6 mi.
11.Douglas School0.8 mi.
12.White Middle School0.8 mi.
13.Valeska Hinton Early Childhood Education Center0.9 mi.
14.Washington School1 mi.
15.Adult Education Center1 mi.
16.Central High School1.1 mi.
17.Franklin Primary School1.1 mi.
18.Saint Andrews Day Care Center1.1 mi.
19.Lincoln Elementary School1.2 mi.
20.Saint Bernard School1.2 mi.
21.Saint Mark School1.2 mi.
22.Longfellow School1.2 mi.
23.Saint Patrick School1.2 mi.
24.Saint Cecilia School1.2 mi.
25.Webster School1.3 mi.
26.McKinley School1.3 mi.
27.Woodruff High School1.3 mi.
28.Glen Oak Primary School1.4 mi.
29.Glen Oak Christian School1.5 mi.
School Locations