Papillion, Nebraska — Doctors and Hospitals

Doctors and Dentists in Sarpy County

Population per Care Provider
Ratio of people per care provider. Source: County Health Rankings (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)
Compared to State and National
Providers Nebraska United States
Doctors 2,051.0 -173 2,555.0 -677
Dentists 2,390.0 -731 3,547.0 -1888

Hospitals Near Papillion, Nebraska

Nearest Hospitals by Distance
# Hospital Distance
1.Papillion Manor0.5 mi.
2.Wel Life at Papillion Center0.6 mi.
3.Alegent Health First Health Physicians Center0.8 mi.
4.Center of Dermatology0.9 mi.
5.Physicians Clinic0.9 mi.
6.Excel Physical Therapy Center1.1 mi.
7.Asthma and Allergy Center1.2 mi.
8.Midland Pediatrics Center1.2 mi.
9.Consultants in Cardiology Center1.2 mi.
10.Alegent Health Midlands Prime Care Center1.2 mi.
Hospital Locations