North Springfield, Virginia — Schools

Schools Near North Springfield, Virginia

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.North Springfield Center School0.2 mi.
2.North Springfield Elementary School0.2 mi.
3.The Dominion School0.7 mi.
4.Ravensworth Elementary School1 mi.
5.Springfield Academy1 mi.
6.Springs Montessori School1.1 mi.
7.Phillips School for Contemporary Education1.1 mi.
8.Word of Life Christian Academy1.2 mi.
9.Saint Marks Montessori School1.2 mi.
10.Annandale High School1.2 mi.
11.Edsall Park Center1.3 mi.
12.Immanuel Christian School1.3 mi.
13.Saint Michael School1.3 mi.
14.Crestwood Elementary School1.3 mi.
15.Lynbrook Elementary School1.3 mi.
16.Kenwood School1.3 mi.
17.Braddock Elementary School1.4 mi.
18.Hope Montessori School1.4 mi.
19.Poe Middle School1.5 mi.
20.Annandale Terrace Elementary School1.6 mi.
21.Kings Glen Elementary School1.6 mi.
22.Keene Mill Elementary School1.8 mi.
23.Montessori School of Northern Virginia1.9 mi.
24.Irving Middle School1.9 mi.
25.Chesapeake Academy1.9 mi.
26.Saint Bernadette School1.9 mi.
27.Garfield Elementary School2 mi.
28.Kings Park Elementary School2 mi.
29.Cardinal Forest Elementary School2.1 mi.
School Locations