North Judson, Indiana — Schools

Schools Near North Judson, Indiana

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Liberty Elementary School0.6 mi.
2.Saint Peter Lutheran School0.6 mi.
3.San Pierre Elementary School6.4 mi.
4.California Elementary School7.1 mi.
5.La Crosse Elementary and High School9.3 mi.
6.Knox Community High School9.4 mi.
7.Knox Community Junior High School9.4 mi.
8.Ruth Palmer Elementary School9.4 mi.
9.Foltz School9.7 mi.
10.Saint Thomas Aquinas School10.1 mi.
11.Aurora School10.1 mi.
12.Washington Elementary School14.4 mi.
13.Kouts Elementary School14.5 mi.
14.Kouts Junior-Senior High School14.5 mi.
15.Winamac Community Junior High School15 mi.
16.Winamac Community High School15 mi.
17.Eastern Pulaski Elementary School15.1 mi.
18.Tippecanoe School15.6 mi.
19.Monterey Elementary School15.6 mi.
20.Wanatah Public School15.9 mi.
21.West Central Junior High School16.9 mi.
22.West Central Senior High School16.9 mi.
23.Morgan Township School17.8 mi.
24.Beaver Center School17.9 mi.
25.Culver Community Junior-Senior High School18.2 mi.
26.Fairview School18.2 mi.
27.Culver Elementary School18.3 mi.
28.Kingsford Heights Elementary School18.9 mi.
29.Ancilla Domini College19.1 mi.
30.Culver Military and Girls Academy19.4 mi.
School Locations