Millvale, Pennsylvania — Schools

Schools Near Millvale, Pennsylvania

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Holy Spirit Catholic Elementary School0.1 mi.
2.Saint Anthony School0.1 mi.
3.Reserve Elementary School0.3 mi.
4.Sample Elementary School0.7 mi.
5.Arsenal Junior High School1.2 mi.
6.Arsenal Middle School1.2 mi.
7.Spring Hill Elementary School1.2 mi.
8.Spring Garden Elementary School1.2 mi.
9.Saint John Neumann Regional Elementary School1.2 mi.
10.Northview Heights Elementary School1.3 mi.
11.Northview Elementary School1.3 mi.
12.McCleary School1.4 mi.
13.North Catholic High School1.4 mi.
14.Saint Ambrosius School1.5 mi.
15.Woolslair Gifted Center1.6 mi.
16.Woolslair Elementary School1.6 mi.
17.McNaugher Special Education Center1.7 mi.
18.Saint Francis East Wing Secondary School1.7 mi.
19.Schiller Classical Academy1.8 mi.
20.Twelth Ward School1.8 mi.
21.Saint Matthew Christian Academy1.9 mi.
22.Byzantine Catholic Seminary of Saints Cyril and Methodius2 mi.
23.Saint Benedict the Moor School2 mi.
24.Catham Elementary School2 mi.
25.Madison Elementary School2 mi.
26.Byzantine Seminary2 mi.
27.W H McKelvy Elementary School2 mi.
28.Allegheny County Day School2 mi.
School Locations