Merrifield, Virginia — Schools

Schools Near Merrifield, Virginia

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Jackson Middle School0.4 mi.
2.Stenwood Elementary School0.7 mi.
3.Pine Spring Elementary School1 mi.
4.Montessori School of Cedar Lane1.1 mi.
5.Fairhill Center1.2 mi.
6.Fairhill Elementary School1.2 mi.
7.Cedar Lane Center1.2 mi.
8.Thoreau Middle School1.2 mi.
9.Fairfax House1.3 mi.
10.Way of Faith Christian Academy1.3 mi.
11.Falls Church High School1.4 mi.
12.Dunn Loring Center1.5 mi.
13.Corpus Christ Early Childhood School1.5 mi.
14.Shrevewood Elementary School1.5 mi.
15.Timber Lane Elementary School1.6 mi.
16.Woodburn Elementary School1.7 mi.
17.Graham Road Elementary School1.7 mi.
18.Cunningham Park Elementary School1.8 mi.
19.Community Based Education Center1.8 mi.
20.Camelot Elementary School1.8 mi.
21.Camelot Center School1.8 mi.
22.Community Based Education School1.8 mi.
23.Student Services Secondary School Center1.9 mi.
24.Student Services Elementary School Center1.9 mi.
25.Christian Assembly Academy1.9 mi.
26.Interagency Alternative Elementary School Center1.9 mi.
27.Parkwood School2 mi.
28.Oakton Arbor School2 mi.
29.Wien Private Day School2 mi.
School Locations