Ludlow, Massachusetts — Health Concerns

Average Life Expectancy

Estimated average life expectancy for Hampden County, Massachusetts. Data is sourced from the Community Health Status Indicators Report (CDC).

Average Life Expectancy
Compared to State and National
Massachusetts United States
Average Life Expectancy 78.41 -1.71 76.32 +0.38

Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

The following data covers adults over 20 years of age in Hampden County, Massachusetts, and is sourced from the CDC: National Diabetes Surveillance System (obesity and diabetes), Community Health Status Indicators Report (high blood pressure).

Population Diagnosed
Compared to State and National
Health Factor Massachusetts United States
Diabetes 7.7% +1.6% 9.1% +0.2%
High Blood Pressure 24.7% +1.2% 26.5% -0.6%
Obesity 23.0% +5.4% 30.3% -1.9%

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Number of persons living with a diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection or chlamydia in Hampden County, Massachusetts, per 100,000 population. Source: County Health Rankings (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation).

Compared to State and National
STD Massachusetts United States
HIV N/A 174.82 N/A
Chlamydia 302.57 +303.43 309.33 +296.67

Infant and Child Mortality

Number of infant (less than 1 year old) and child (1-17 years old) deaths in Hampden County, Massachusetts, per 100,000 population. Source: County Health Rankings (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation).

Compared to State and National
Mortality Massachusetts United States
Infant 493.25 +164.75 763.37 -105.37
Child 39.25 +10.75 68.11 -18.11

Reported Cases of Various Conditions and Diseases

Total number of reported cases of various diseases and conditions in Hampden County, Massachusetts (2001-2003). Source: Community Health Status Indicators Report (CDC).

Cases Reported - 2001-2003
Condition or Disease Reported Cases
Severely Disabled10769
Major Depression27095
Haemophilus Influenzae B12
Hepatitis A73
Hepatitis B32
Whooping Cough321
E. coli20