Highgrove, California — Voting History

Presidential Voting History

Below you'll find the most recent presidential election results for Riverside County, California, broken down by party. Any votes not recorded for a the Democratic or Republican candidate are lumped together as "Other".

Riverside County - 2000
Candidate Votes Percent
George W. Bush (Republican)231,95551.47%
Al Gore (Democrat)202,57644.95%
Other Candidate(s)16,1643.59%
Total Votes450,695100%
Riverside County - 2004
Candidate Votes Percent
George W. Bush (Republican)322,47357.83%
John Kerry (Democrat)228,80641.04%
Other Candidate(s)6,3001.13%
Total Votes557,579100%
Riverside County - 2008
Candidate Votes Percent
Barack Obama (Democrat)210,90550.77%
John McCain (Republican)197,51747.54%
Other Candidate(s)7,0291.69%
Total Votes415,451100%
Riverside County - 2012
Candidate Votes Percent
Barack Obama (Democrat)287,75448.79%
Mitt Romney (Republican)290,22749.21%
Other Candidate(s)11,7401.99%
Total Votes589,721100%
Riverside County - 2016
Candidate Votes Percent
Donald Trump (Republican)309,51445.28%
Hillary Clinton (Democrat)339,14549.61%
Other Candidate(s)34,9535.11%
Total Votes683,612100%