Haverford, Pennsylvania — Schools

Schools Near Haverford, Pennsylvania

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Vanquard School0.2 mi.
2.Ardmore Presbyterian Church School0.3 mi.
3.Haverford School0.6 mi.
4.Haverford School for Boys0.6 mi.
5.Haverford College0.6 mi.
6.Saint Colmans School0.7 mi.
7.Friends School0.7 mi.
8.Lower Merion High School0.7 mi.
9.Our Mother of Good Counsel Catholic School0.9 mi.
10.Our Mother of Good Council School0.9 mi.
11.Main Line Montessori School1 mi.
12.Torah Academy1 mi.
13.Wynnewood School1 mi.
14.Harcum Kindergarten1.1 mi.
15.Chestnutwold School1.2 mi.
16.Baldwin School1.2 mi.
17.Lane Good Council Montessori School1.2 mi.
18.Harcum Junior College1.3 mi.
19.Shipley School1.4 mi.
20.Montgomery Country Day School1.4 mi.
21.Bryn Mawr College1.5 mi.
22.Saint Denis School1.5 mi.
23.Gladwyne Elementary School1.6 mi.
24.Gladwyne Montessori School1.7 mi.
25.Penn Valley Elementary School1.7 mi.
26.Coopertown School1.8 mi.
27.Oakmont Elementary School1.8 mi.
28.Merion Square School1.8 mi.
29.Penn Wynne Elementary School2 mi.
30.Rosemont School of Holy Child2 mi.
School Locations