Durham, Oregon — Schools

Schools Near Durham, Oregon

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Durham Elementary School0.3 mi.
2.Durham Center0.4 mi.
3.Tigard High School0.8 mi.
4.River Grove Elementary School1.2 mi.
5.James Templeton Elementary School1.3 mi.
6.Bryant Elementary School1.3 mi.
7.Twality Middle School1.3 mi.
8.Waluga Junior High School1.4 mi.
9.Lake Grove Elementary School1.7 mi.
10.Community Christian School1.8 mi.
11.Community Christian Learning Center and Day Care Center1.8 mi.
12.Horizon Christian Schools1.9 mi.
13.Westside Christian High School1.9 mi.
14.Bridgeport Elementary School1.9 mi.
15.Exploration Learning School2 mi.
16.Westridge Elementary School2 mi.
17.Hazelbrook Middle School2.1 mi.
18.Portland Faith College2.1 mi.
19.Oak Creek Elementary School2.1 mi.
20.Christ the King Lutheran Preschool2.1 mi.
21.Saint Anthonys School2.2 mi.
22.Charles F Tigard Elementary School2.2 mi.
23.Gaarde Christian School2.3 mi.
24.Tualatin Elementary School2.4 mi.
25.Arbor School of Arts and Sciences2.4 mi.
26.Touchstone Elementary School2.6 mi.
27.Portland Community College Sylvania Campus2.7 mi.
School Locations