Durham, North Carolina — Schools

Schools Near Durham, North Carolina

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Fuller School0.2 mi.
2.East End School0.7 mi.
3.Durham School of the Arts0.7 mi.
4.North Durham School0.7 mi.
5.Carr Middle School0.7 mi.
6.W G Pearson Lab Elementary School0.8 mi.
7.Whitted Middle School0.8 mi.
8.Morehead School0.9 mi.
9.Eastway Elementary School1 mi.
10.Holloway Street Elementary School1 mi.
11.C C Spaulding Biosphere Magnet Elementary School1.2 mi.
12.Holton Middle School1.2 mi.
13.George Watts Elementary School1.2 mi.
14.Burton Geo-World Magnet Elementary School1.2 mi.
15.Lyon Park School1.2 mi.
16.Hillside High School1.3 mi.
17.North Carolina Central University1.3 mi.
18.Y E Smith Science and Technology Magnet Elementary School1.6 mi.
19.J D Clement Early College High School1.6 mi.
20.Durham Technical Community College1.6 mi.
21.R N Harris Integrated Arts and Core Knowledge Magnet Elementary School1.7 mi.
22.Club Boulevard Humanities Magnet Elementary School1.7 mi.
23.Walltown School1.8 mi.
24.E K Powe Elementary School1.9 mi.
25.James E Shepard Middle School2 mi.
26.Shepard Middle School2 mi.
27.Grey Stone Christian Learning Center2 mi.
28.North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics2.1 mi.
29.Fayetteville Street Elementary School2.1 mi.
30.Southside School2.1 mi.
School Locations