Claflin, Kansas — Schools

Schools Near Claflin, Kansas

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Claflin Elementary School0.1 mi.
2.Claflin High School0.5 mi.
3.Saints Peter and Paul School6.6 mi.
4.Quivira Heights High School7.4 mi.
5.Quivira Heights Middle School7.7 mi.
6.Quivira Heights Elementary / Junior High School7.7 mi.
7.Fort Hays State University Kansas Wetlands Education Center7.8 mi.
8.Pleasant Valley School10.8 mi.
9.Cheyenne View School10.9 mi.
10.Ellinwood Elementary School11.6 mi.
11.Ellinwood High School11.9 mi.
12.Ellinwood Middle School11.9 mi.
13.Saint Joseph Elementary School11.9 mi.
14.Lincoln Elementary School12.9 mi.
15.Saint John the Evangelist Elementary School13.1 mi.
16.Hoisington High School13.1 mi.
17.Roosevelt Elementary School13.4 mi.
18.Hoisington Middle School13.4 mi.
19.Sunny Four School13.5 mi.
20.Barton Community College - S Building13.5 mi.
21.Barton Community College - T Building13.5 mi.
22.Barton Community College - A Building13.6 mi.
23.Barton County Community College13.6 mi.
24.Barton Community College - F Building13.6 mi.
25.Barton Community College - L Building13.6 mi.
26.Barton Community College - U Building13.7 mi.
27.Barton Community College Child Development Center13.7 mi.
28.Barton Community College - P Building13.7 mi.
29.Barton Community College - C Building13.7 mi.
30.Red Brick School13.9 mi.
School Locations