Bruce, South Dakota — Schools

Schools Near Bruce, South Dakota

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Afton District Number 13 School7.3 mi.
2.Afton District Number 12 School7.3 mi.
3.Sioux Valley Middle School8.1 mi.
4.Sioux Valley High School8.1 mi.
5.Sioux Valley Elementary School8.1 mi.
6.Argo District Number 26 School8.3 mi.
7.Volga Christian Elementary School8.4 mi.
8.Argo District Number 53 School8.7 mi.
9.Animal Science Arena9.5 mi.
10.Animal Research Wing9.5 mi.
11.Animal Science Complex9.5 mi.
12.Animal Disease Research Building9.5 mi.
13.Estelline Elementary School9.6 mi.
14.Estelline Junior High School9.6 mi.
15.Estelline High School9.6 mi.
16.Davis Dairy Plant9.6 mi.
17.Foundation Seed Conditioning Building9.6 mi.
18.West Headhouse and Greenhouse9.6 mi.
19.Northern Plains Biostress Laboratory9.6 mi.
20.Wheat Commission Greenhouse9.6 mi.
21.South Dakota State University9.6 mi.
22.Physiology Laboratory9.6 mi.
23.East Headhouse9.6 mi.
24.Horticulture and Forestry Building9.6 mi.
25.Alfred Dairy Microbiology Building9.6 mi.
26.Horticulture Greenhouse9.7 mi.
27.Plant Science Building9.7 mi.
28.Wenona Hall9.7 mi.
29.Berg Agricultural Hall9.7 mi.
School Locations