Bridgman, Michigan — Insurance and Medicare
Health Insurance Coverage
The following data includes all residents of Berrien County up to the age of 65. Those 65 and over are assumed to be automatically covered under Medicare, and are therefore not included in this sample. Data is sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau's "Small Area Health Insurance Estimates."
Population | Michigan | United States | ||
Total | 85.7% | -1.2% | 83.8% | +0.7% |
Men | 83.8% | -0.6% | 82.3% | +0.9% |
Women | 87.5% | -1.7% | 85.2% | +0.6% |
Under 19 | 95.5% | ±0.0% | 92.4% | +3.1% |
18 - 40 | 75.6% | -2% | 72.2% | +1.4% |
40 - 64 | 86.6% | -2.1% | 85.2% | -0.7% |
Medicare Spending in Berrien County
Price-adjusted Medicare spending per enrollee, per year in Berrien County, Michigan. Source: County Health Rankings (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)
Per Enrollee Per Year
Michigan | United States | |||
$8,963.04 | + $136.96 | $9,278.82 | - $178.82 |
Medicare Enrollment in Berrien County
Percentage of the total population enrolled in Medicare in Berrien County, Michigan. Source: Community Health Status Indicators Report (CDC).