Affton, Missouri — Schools

Schools Near Affton, Missouri

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Mesnier Primary School0.4 mi.
2.Reavis School0.7 mi.
3.Affton High School0.9 mi.
4.Victory Christian School1.5 mi.
5.Washington Park School1.6 mi.
6.Edgar Road School1.7 mi.
7.Salem Lutheran School1.7 mi.
8.Rogers Middle School1.7 mi.
9.Edgar Road Elementary School1.7 mi.
10.Sappington Elementary School1.7 mi.
11.Bayless School1.7 mi.
12.Bayless Senior High School1.8 mi.
13.Bayless Junior High School1.8 mi.
14.Bayless Elementary School1.8 mi.
15.Saint Josephs Convent of Mercy1.8 mi.
16.Bierbaum Elementary School1.8 mi.
17.Saint Mark Catholic School1.8 mi.
18.Kenrick Seminary1.9 mi.
19.Saint Timothys Catholic School2.1 mi.
20.Sisters of Notre Dame School2.3 mi.
21.Saint Louis Preparatory Seminary2.4 mi.
22.Goodal School2.4 mi.
23.Hixson Middle School2.4 mi.
24.Long Elementary School2.5 mi.
25.Clark Elementary School2.6 mi.
26.Clark School2.6 mi.
27.Busch School2.7 mi.
28.Mehlville High School2.7 mi.
29.Busch Academic-Athletic Academy2.8 mi.
30.Concord Elementary School2.8 mi.
School Locations