White Plains, New York — Schools

Schools Near White Plains, New York

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Eastview Avenue School0.2 mi.
2.The College of White Plains of Pace University0.5 mi.
3.Saint Johns School0.5 mi.
4.Hebrew Institute of White Plains0.6 mi.
5.Church Street School0.7 mi.
6.Saint Anthony's School0.8 mi.
7.Underhill Avenue School0.9 mi.
8.Samuel T Preston School0.9 mi.
9.Mamaroneck Avenue School0.9 mi.
10.George Washington School1 mi.
11.Rochambeau School1 mi.
12.Saint Bernards School1 mi.
13.Battle Hill Junior High School1 mi.
14.Post Road School1.1 mi.
15.Juniper Hill School1.4 mi.
16.Highlands School1.5 mi.
17.Richard J Bailey School1.5 mi.
18.Webb Junior High School1.6 mi.
19.White Plains Senior High School1.6 mi.
20.Our Lady of Sorrows School1.6 mi.
21.Highview School1.6 mi.
22.Archbishop Stepinac High School1.9 mi.
23.Woodlands High School1.9 mi.
24.Sacred Heart School2 mi.
25.Greenacres School2 mi.
26.Cardinal McCloskey School2 mi.
27.Old Tarrytown Road School2 mi.
28.Virginia Road Elementary School2.1 mi.
School Locations