Teays Valley, West Virginia — Schools

Schools Near Teays Valley, West Virginia

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Mountain View Elementary School0.8 mi.
2.Scott Teays Elementary School1 mi.
3.Teays Valley Christian School1.4 mi.
4.West Teays Elementary School2.4 mi.
5.Calvary Baptist Academy2.5 mi.
6.Eastbrook Elementary School3.6 mi.
7.Hurricane High School4.2 mi.
8.Lakeside Elementary School4.9 mi.
9.Nitro High School5 mi.
10.Hurricane Middle School5.1 mi.
11.Conner Street Elementary School5.2 mi.
12.Truth and Liberty Christian School5.2 mi.
13.Anne Bailey Elementary School5.2 mi.
14.Nitro Elementary School5.2 mi.
15.Freedom Christian Academy5.2 mi.
16.Hurricane Town Elementary School5.8 mi.
17.Putnam Career and Technical Center5.9 mi.
18.Winfield Elementary School5.9 mi.
19.Lighthouse Baptist Academy6 mi.
20.Rock Branch Elementary School6 mi.
21.George Washington Middle School6 mi.
School Locations