Sunflower, Mississippi — Doctors and Hospitals

Doctors and Dentists in Sunflower County

Population per Care Provider
Ratio of people per care provider. Source: County Health Rankings (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)
Compared to State and National
Providers Mississippi United States
Doctors 3,472.0 +206 2,555.0 +1123
Dentists 4,481.0 +387 3,547.0 +1321

Hospitals Near Sunflower, Mississippi

Nearest Hospitals by Distance
# Hospital Distance
1.Sunflower County Health Center8.7 mi.
2.South Sunflower County Hospital8.8 mi.
3.Kings Daughters Hospital (historical)8.8 mi.
4.North Sunflower County Hospital13.2 mi.
5.Ruleville Health Care Center13.5 mi.
6.Bolivar Medical Center17.3 mi.
7.Drew Health Clinic18.6 mi.
8.Greenwood Leflore Hospital19.5 mi.
9.Patients' Choice Medical Center25.2 mi.
10.Delta Regional Medical Center30.1 mi.
Hospital Locations