Lake Quivira, Kansas — Schools

Schools Near Lake Quivira, Kansas

Nearest Schools by Distance
# School Distance
1.Broken Arrow Elementary School1.7 mi.
2.Morris Elementary School2.1 mi.
3.Ray Marsh Elementary School2.5 mi.
4.Maranatha Academy2.5 mi.
5.Midland Adventist Academy2.6 mi.
6.Edwardsville Elementary School3 mi.
7.Bluejacket - Flint Elementary School3 mi.
8.Riverview Elementary School3.2 mi.
9.Saint Joseph Catholic School3.3 mi.
10.Shawnee Mission Northwest High School3.3 mi.
11.Hope Lutheran School3.3 mi.
12.Flint School3.3 mi.
13.Sacred Heart Elementary School3.4 mi.
14.Saint Josephs Elementary School3.4 mi.
15.Benninghoven Elementary School3.4 mi.
16.Sinai Elementary School3.5 mi.
17.Kristi's Academy of Dance and Gymnastics3.5 mi.
18.Clear Creek Elementary School3.5 mi.
19.Mill Valley High School3.7 mi.
20.Monticello Trails Middle School3.8 mi.
21.Kansas City Christian School3.9 mi.
22.Prairie Ridge Elementary School3.9 mi.
23.Good Shepherd School3.9 mi.
24.Hocker Grove Middle School3.9 mi.
25.Stony Point South School3.9 mi.
26.Central Baptist Theological Seminary3.9 mi.
27.Stony Point South Elementary School3.9 mi.
School Locations