Dale, Oklahoma — Doctors and Hospitals

Doctors and Dentists in Pottawatomie County

Population per Care Provider
Ratio of people per care provider. Source: County Health Rankings (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)
Compared to State and National
Providers Oklahoma United States
Doctors 3,096.0 -850 2,555.0 -309
Dentists 3,648.0 -1303 3,547.0 -1202

Hospitals Near Dale, Oklahoma

Nearest Hospitals by Distance
# Hospital Distance
1.Unity Health Center6.3 mi.
2.Unity Health Center9.2 mi.
3.Shawnee Indian Sanatorium9.5 mi.
4.Specialty Hospital of Midwest City20 mi.
5.Integris Mental Health System20.3 mi.
6.Midwest Regional Medical Center20.3 mi.
7.Prague Municipal Hospital21.5 mi.
8.Integris Seminole Medical Center22 mi.
9.J D McCarty Center For Children23.2 mi.
10.Municipal Hospital24 mi.
Hospital Locations